Labour and the Liberal Democrats say they support a benefit cap of £26,000 per household.

Leaders Jim Murphy and Willie Rennie said during a television debate that they had no plans to change the cap, while SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon said it was "not a priority".

The party heads were asked their views on the BBC's Sunday Politics Scotland programme following a poll that showed 65% of Scots back the current £26,000 limit, which is set at the national average income.

More than half (54%) of those surveyed agreed with Conservative plans to lower the cap to £23,000 after May's General Election, while 26% were opposed.

However, almost a third (30%) agreed with the statement that benefits for unemployed people "are too low and cause undue hardship".

That compares to 36% who thought that benefits were too high and discouraged people from finding work.

Mr Murphy said "we accept that the benefit cap should stay at £26,000" and Mr Rennie told the programme "we're proposing to keep the benefit cap as it is."

Ms Sturgeon said: "It's not the priority that we are putting forward for change."

The Scottish Conservatives said the poll findings vindicated their party's plans for welfare reform however.

Welfare reform spokesman Alex Johnstone MSP said: "This important poll confirms that despite Labour and SNP scaremongering, the majority of Scots are wholeheartedly on the side of the UK Government's bid to get Scotland back to work.

"And it shows that Ed Miliband and Nicola Sturgeon speak for the minority in failing to reform welfare, and racking up our nation's debts.

"Indeed on the benefit cap, Nicola Sturgeon and Ed Miliband don't just speak for the minority, they speak for the minority of their own supporters.

"The current UK Government has done what previous Labour administrations failed to do. We saw how our broken welfare system was trapping people in dependency, and we did something about it.

"The result is thousands more people going out to work, not waiting for a dole cheque."

YouGov surveyed 1,056 adults between April 8 and 9.