SUPPORTERS of the English Defence League (EDL) demanded "Muslim killers" be removed from the streets of Britain as about 1000 protestors marched through London to Trafalgar Square yesterday.

The protest, following the hacking to death of Drummer Lee Rigby last week in Woolwich, was organised in memory of the soldier.

Protesters held placards that read "Blood on your hands" and "GB RIP".They were escorted by Metropolitan Police officers and vans, while a force helicopter followed overhead.

About 1000 EDL protesters then made their way along Whitehall before taking a position on the pavement across the road from Downing Street.

A smaller group of anti-fascist demonstrators gathered opposite holding an "EDL Racists" banner. The two sides traded insults but were kept apart. EDL leader Tommy Robinson told demonsters: "This is a day of respect for our Armed Forces."

The crowd repeatedly chanted "coward" after he claimed Prime Minister David Cameron was on holiday in Ibiza "because he doesn't care".

EDL supporters and anti-fascists hurled dozens of glass bottles towards each other.

A group of about 100 anti-fascists mobbed five or six men who arrived late to the protest draped in Union flags and wearing England football shirts.

Police filmed the anti-EDL protesters as they chanted "fascist scum off our streets" and "follow your leader, kill yourself like Adolf Hitler", before escorting them around Parliament Square. Scotland Yard said a total of 13 people had been arrested.

Meanwhile, forces charity Help for Heroes has said it will not accept any donations raised by the EDL leader. Mr Robinson started fundraising following last week's murder of Mr Rigby, who was wearing a T-shirt bearing the charity's logo.

A spokesman said the Just Giving page set up by Mr Robinson would be closed down and all donations refunded.