MORE than 450,000 families are living in poor-quality rented homes, Labour claimed as the party unveiled proposals for a national register of landlords and a voluntary standards scheme.

The party is also exploring the possibility of tougher penalties for bad landlords and greater powers for local authorities to tackle the problem. Shadow housing minister Jack Dromey said: "There can be no place in future for homes that are damp, cold and unfit to bring children up."

More than 100,000 pensioners are also living in sub-standard homes in the private rented sector, according to Labour's analysis of official figures.

The party is examining a range of measures to crack down on rogue landlords, including ways to strike them off the proposed register to prevent them from being able to rent out properties in future.

According to Labour's figures, 457,100 families and 108,850 pensioners live in homes categorised as "non-decent".

The figures show up to 274,620 families with children and up to 65,310 pensioners are in homes with potentially serious hazards such as exposure to asbestos or carbon monoxide, while 131,906 families with children and up to 31,411 pensioners face problems with damp.

Mr Dromey said: "We want to see all families enjoying a decent home, at a price they can afford.

"That's why we're setting out our proposals so the sector works for all."