JEREMY Corbyn will insist on Tuesday that Labour is “not wedded” to the principle of the freedom of movement for EU citizens but will push to maintain the UK has full access to the European single market.

In his first keynote speech of 2017 – seen by some as a relaunch of his leadership – the Labour leader will set out his party’s priorities on Brexit, which will include “taking back control” of the jobs market, damaged by years of reckless deregulation, and returning to collective bargaining agreements in key sectors so that “workers cannot be undercut”. He will also pledge to “rebuild our NHS by ending the under-funding and privatisation of health care”.

His comments come as a new ICM poll places the Conservatives unchanged with a 14-point lead over Labour.

The online snapshot for The Guardian of 2,000 adults conducted over the weekend put the Tories up one on 42 per cent, Labour also up one on 28, Ukip down two on 12, the Liberal Democrats unchanged on nine and the Greens up one on four.

In his speech, Mr Corbyn will insist “Britain can be better off after Brexit” but will denounce the May Government for its lack of clarity on its withdrawal strategy.

“Not since the Second World War has Britain's ruling elite so recklessly put the country in such an exposed position without a plan,” he will declare.

On the negotiations with the EU, he will say: “There can be no question of giving Theresa May’s Tories a free pass in the Brexit negotiations. Unlike the Tories, Labour will insist on a Brexit that works not just for City interests but in the interests of us all.”

At the weekend, Tom Watson, the party’s deputy leader, admitted there was a lack of clarity on Labour’s policy on immigration while Sir Keir Starmer, the Shadow Brexit Secretary, insisted that the referendum result meant there had to be changes to the rules on free movement.

Their leader will say: “Labour is not wedded to freedom of movement for EU citizens as a point of principle.

“But nor can we afford to lose full access to the European markets on which so many British businesses and jobs depend. Changes to the way migration rules operate from the EU will be part of the negotiations.

“Labour supports fair rules and reasonably managed migration as part of the post-Brexit relationship with the EU.”

He will say unlike the Tories, Labour will not offer false promises on immigration targets or sow division by scapegoating migrants.

“But Labour will take action against undercutting of pay and conditions by closing down cheap labour loopholes, banning exclusive advertising of jobs abroad and strengthening workplace protections.

“That would have the effect of reducing numbers of EU migrant workers in the most deregulated sectors, regardless of the final Brexit deal,” he will add.

Mr Corbyn will note that in the June referendum Britons voted for Brexit to regain control over the country’s economy, democracy and their own lives.

“We will push to maintain full access to the European single market to protect living standards and jobs. But we will also press to repatriate powers from Brussels for the British Government to develop a genuine industrial strategy essential for the economy of the future.

“Tory Governments have hidden behind EU state aid rules because they don’t want to intervene. But EU rules can also be a block on the action that’s needed to support our economy, decent jobs and living standards.

“Labour will use state aid powers in a drive to build a new economy, based on new technology and the green industries of the future,” he will say.

Mr Corbyn will claim a “Labour Brexit” would take back control over the UK’s jobs market, which, he will say, has been “seriously damaged by years of reckless deregulation”

“Labour will ensure all workers have equal rights at work from day one and require collective bargaining agreements in key sectors, so that workers cannot be undercut.

“That will bring an end to the unscrupulous use of agency labour and bogus self-employment to stop undercutting and to ensure every worker has a secure job with secure pay.”