Royal Mail has launched an inquiry into dog attacks after revealing postal workers are suffering up to 4000 attacks every year.

The attacks often result in severe injuries and "considerable trauma" and highlights the case for legislation to tackle dangerous dogs, said campaigners.

The independent inquiry was announced by Royal Mail chairman Donald Brydon, with the aim of making specific recommendations to reduce the number of dog attacks.

Mr Brydon said: "It is an offence to decency that good people should suffer these attacks when carrying out their daily jobs."

Dave Joyce, national safety officer of the Communication Workers' Union, which has been campaigning for years for measures to tackle dangerous dogs, said: "This is a very positive and welcome development at a key moment."

The inquiry will be led by former high court judge Sir Gordon Langley and will study the number of attacks, currently running at between 3500 and 4000 a year.

Almost 400 postmen and women have taken time off sick in the past year after being attacked by a dog, while 4100 working days have been lost, costing Royal Mail £400,000.