PLANS for a £1 billion new town, billed as Scotland's largest and supported by Prince Charles, have been given the go-ahead.

Chapelton of Elsick, 10 miles south of Aberdeen, will consist of 8000 homes built on swathes of farmland, as well as schools, shops and other amenities.

A detailed application for the first 802 homes and a small high street has been granted by Aberdeenshire Council, along with outline approval for the entire 2000-acre project.

It will result in what its developers claim is a pedestrian- friendly, mixed-use environment for residents, with a focus on community living.

The long-term masterplan includes a total of seven neighbourhoods, which will make it Scotland's largest new settlement for a generation.

It emerged last year Prince Charles had viewed blueprints of the plans for the Chapelton of Elsick scheme, which will be based near Newtonhill, and likened them to Poundbury, a community in Dorset built in 1987 and in accordance with how the Prince thought a modern town should look.

Lord Southesk, director of Elsick Development Company, is the son of the Duke of Fife, the owner of the land.

He said: "From day one of this process we have taken on board a very broad range of views to ensure that the plan is as well designed as possible.

"This has resulted in several amendments to the scheme and additional supporting technical, environmental and design information.

"Today's news means we can potentially be on site in the autumn and it will be very exciting to begin work on this landmark project.

"We believe Chapelton will be a major economic boost to the area as well as addressing the need for housing of all types.

"With up to 8000 homes planned in the long term, as well as schools, community facilities and com-mercial space, Chapelton is set to become a major new Aberdeenshire community."

Yesterday's consent follows a consultation process during which several technical, environmental and design elements were reviewed over a year to address local concerns.

Modifications also included changes to address transport and infrastructure requirements.

NHS Grampian has also been forced to reassure residents in surrounding areas over the impact Chapelton of Elsick will have on local services.

It has been estimated Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire may need 75,000 more homes over the next 20 years to cope with demand.

Chapelton's developers have also promised to include industrial and business developments and it is estimated the project will generate approximately 8000 jobs.

Six primary schools and a secondary school have also been proposed, with projected costs for the whole venture estimated at around £1bn.

Objectors have focused on the loss of farmland.

The Chapelton masterplan is to deliver the entire town by 2023, with around 25% of homes to be affordable housing.

With an expected population of between 8000 and 9000 it would be slightly smaller than Stonehaven, which is home to around 11,000 residents.