A mother has paid tribute to her nine-year-old son who died after he was hit by a car.

Logan Carrie died after the incident on the A92 in Glenrothes, Fife, at around 5.40pm on Tuesday.

His mother Sionaid Brown released a statement through police today in which she described the bond between him and his brother, understood to be his identical twin, as "incredible".

She said: "The whole family is devastated by the loss of Logan.

"He was so cheeky. He loved playing tricks on people but was a very sensitive soul. He didn't like seeing people hurt or sad. He loved giving to charity as well.

"Logan was so close to his brother Zachary as well. The bond between them was incredible. They've never been apart.

"He will also be greatly missed by his grandfather and other siblings."

Police earlier appealed for information about the incident which happened between the Cadham and Balfarg junctions.

Inspector Brenda Sinclair said: ''Tragically this collision has resulted in the loss of a young boy's life and our thoughts are with his family at this harrowing time.

''We are appealing for any drivers or pedestrians who may have been on the A92 at the time of the collision to come forward and help establish the full circumstances of the incident.''