The Scottish Parliament has entered the ring to support a Scots wrestling champ grappling with Madonna over the right to use one of her songs.

Graeme Stevely, known to wrestling fans as Grado, has been barred from using the hit Like a Prayer as his "walk on" music.

Now MSPs have been invited to back a Holyrood motion calling on the singing star to relent, after fans of the Ayrshire-based wrestler insisted the song was an essential part of his colourful pre-bout entrance routine.

Kenneth Gibson, the SNP MSP who lodged the motion, said the ban would place Grado at a disadvantage in a forthcoming match at the SSE Hydro in Glasgow, due to be screened on US television.

He said: "Due to the strength of public feeling, Madonna and her management team should indeed say Yes, grant use of the song and let a new US audience witness the celebrated Grado entrance."

Grado, the reigning Pro Wrestling Elite Heavyweight Champion, is also known for forcing defeated opponents to drink Irn Bru.