THE mum of murdered teenager Kriss Donald yelled with delight as one of his racist killers had his time behind bars increased.

Daanish Zahid returned to the High Court in Glasgow more than a decade after he was jailed for life for the crime that shocked Scotland.

Zahid was hauled back into the dock after lying to appeal judges to try and free Imran 'Baldy" Shahid - the ringleader of the mob who adducted and killed Kriss in 2004.

The 31 year-old had insisted Shahid was "innocent" and that another Glasgow-based Asian gang was behind the gruesome murder.

Zahid claimed he had been threatened into silence and then revealed a string of texts supposedly naming the "real killers".

But judges blasted the evidence - while also throwing out Shahid's appeal - before ordering a large-scale probe into the lies.

It lead to Zahid today being jailed for another six years after he admitted attempting to defeat the ends of justice.

Kriss' emotional mum Angela was also in court to see again one of her son's killers and screamed "yes" as the sentence was passed.

Angela - who also heard claims he was now "sorry" for the murder - then shouted: "Hope you die in jail".

Zahid refused to look at the mum and her other friends and family as he was lead to the cells.

The sentence will only begin once Zahid serves the minimum 17 years imposed for the killing.

It means it could be as late as 2027 before he is freed.

Angela later made no comment as she left in a taxi after the hearing.

Kriss was murdered in March 2004 after being abducted by the racist mob in the city's Pollokshields.

Imran Shahid was seeking revenge after earlier being assaulted - despite the 15 year-old being totally blameless.

The 15 year-old - snatched because he was white - was stabbed, doused in petrol and then burned near to Celtic's then training ground in Glasgow's east end.

Imran Shahid was jailed for a minimum 25 years after he was convicted in 2006.

His brother Zeeshan and Mohammed Mushtaq were also jailed for life. Daanish Zahid had been found guilty at a separate trial.

Imran Shahid was later granted an appeal in 2011 after apparently fresh evidence from Zahid had emerged.

In a bid to clear the thug, Zahid was prepared to testify that he had been at the murder as an "unwilling accomplice", but that it had been committed by another Asian gang.

He claimed the other mob had threatened him into pinning the blame on Shahid.

Prosecutor Iain McSporran yesterday explained: "He gave evidence on oath confirming his position as to who had really killed Kriss Donald.

"Imran Shahid was not involved and that he had been so frightened in the aftermath of the murder that he made notes on a phone...identifying the killers.

"He claimed that in 2008, he realised it was wrong for an innocent man to have been jailed for a crime he had not committed.

"So, he arranged for the phone he had concealed to be handed to solicitors for that man."

In one of the texts, Zahid states another man "kidnapped and murdered" Kriss.

Zahid said he drove the car "against his will" and that if he was killed himself then this gang were responsible.

He then states one the gang threatened to murder him "20 minutes ago" adding: "I believe them because I saw them kill Kriss 2 and a half hours ago".

Mr McSporran described this evidence as a "culmination of a pretence" over a period of years and that it involved an "inherent lack of credibility".

Judges rejected the appeal later branding the lies "an elaborate and sophisticated attempt to deceive the court".

The comments sparked a lengthy investigation which lead to Zahid being charged last June.

His lawyer today said Zahid had always wanted to plead guilty to the lies to spare the family of Kriss going through another trial.

Susan Duff, defending, then went on: "At the age of 31, he can see the pain and distress he caused the Donald family.

"They have to live with that every day. He did not want to add to their distress.

"He has asked me to convey his deep sorrow and regret."

At that comment, Angela Donald - sitting in the public benches - was heard to say: "No chance".

Lord Kinclaven said this latest jail term would have been nine years, but for the guilty plea.

The judge said: "You have accepted responsibility for an extremely serious offence against our system of justice over a period of years."