MacAskill, 24, became a YouTube phenomenon after a video was posted of him performing daredevil stunts.

He has now been offered a lucrative deal by the team behind the last Indiana Jones movie.

In the movie, Premium Rush – which begins filming in Manhattan in April – a group of bike messengers are pursued through New York by a criminal gang. It is being made by American writer and director David Koepp, whose film credits include blockbusters Spider-Man, and is expected on the big screen next year.

Koepp invited MacAskill to perform all the film’s stunts after he viewed the YouTube clip that shows MacAskill perform gravity-defying acts such as cycling up and down trees and somersaulting off roofs. The clip has attracted more than 13 million hits since it was posted last year and has earned MacAskill a host of celebrity fans, including seven-times Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong.

Although MacAskill initially rejected offers to appear on American and British talk shows, he has gone on to feature in adverts for Volkswagen and recruitment website, part of the Herald group. He has also wowed audiences around the world with live demonstrations.

The film offer comes two months after MacAskill had to temporarily abandon stunts after breaking his collarbone when he tripped on a kerb while walking.

MacAskill, from Skye, now lives in Edinburgh. He said: “The past 12 months have been an amazing roller-coaster ride, but having a Hollywood director phone me up and ask me to be in his film is beyond crazy. The idea of being in a major film is a million miles away from my old life of working in a bike shop in Edinburgh.

“It’s a great opportunity but I am finding the whole thing difficult to take in.”

He added: “If I can earn some money from the film it will keep me going for the future and give me some security if I get injured.”