A firefighter has been slightly injured and two people taken to hospital after a blaze in a flat.

A cat also died in the fire in a top-floor property in Portland Street, Edinburgh, at around 10pm last night.

Two fire crews were called to the incident and six firefighters wearing breathing apparatus entered the building to search the flat.

A man and a woman were led to safety and treated at the scene for smoke inhalation before being taken to hospital for further checks.

One firefighter suffered minor injuries during the rescue but did not require hospital treatment.

A cat from the flat was also rescued along with two dogs and another cat from neighbouring homes.

The fire service said one of the cats was resuscitated but the other, which lived in the flat that caught fire, died.

Officers extinguished the blaze and made the scene safe, with investigators due to check for the cause today.

Meanwhile, a woman and a boy were treated for smoke inhalation after a fire on Bute.

Crews were called to the house in Hillhouse Road, Rothesay, at around 7.20pm yesterday.

The roof of the building collapsed due to the flames but there were no serious injuries, the fire service said.

The woman and boy were treated by officers for smoke inhalation before being taken to Rothesay Victoria Hospital for further checks.

Watch manager Rodden Shaw said: "We arrived to find the first floor and the roof space well alight.

"An adult female and a male youth appeared to be suffering from slight smoke inhalation and shock so they were removed to Rothesay Victoria Hospital.

"We had several main jets in use to tackle the fire, however its intensity caused the roof to collapse into the building.

"Our crews continued dampening down operations using a thermal imaging camera to identify hot spots."

Officers and now working with police to investigate the cause of the fire.