It is one of Europe's most impressive rural shop windows and among Scotland's most prestigious annual farming events

This year's Royal Highland Show, which begins on Thursday, will feature 1000 beef and dairy cattle in 20 different breeds, 1500 sheep, 2000 horses, 100 goats and more than 500 fowl on show

Last year the four-day event was attended by 178,000 people at Ingliston, near Edinburgh.

There was a new focus on locally produced food with the launch of the Scottish Food Charter.

Almost half of the visitors come to enjoy the food and drink and organisers, the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society (RHASS), are keen to attract a new and bigger urban consumer audience.

The 2014 event had a new focus on locally produced food with the introduction of the Scottish Food Charter, and this year - the 175th running of the show - sees the launch of Scotland's Larder Live!

This is a new experimental interactive food show promoting Scottish food provenance, regionality and seasonality, designed to hit the message home that "farming equals food". With over 120 producers showcasing the best of Scottish food, it promises to be full of the smells, sights and tastes of Scotland.

The show is the only food event in Scotland that links together the farmer, the food producer and the consumer. It has received support through the Year of Food and Drink initiative, delivered by VisitScotland, and funding to produce a new "food to go" map which will provide showgoers wtih information about the event's on-site catering.

It is the second year of the show's industry leading Food Charter, which ensures that on-site caterers and the show's other food partners use, where possible, only ingredients that are locally produced and ethically sourced. Only a small number of companies from 2014 have not made the grade.

The Cookery Theatre will have a theatrical element, with Edinburgh chefs Neil Forbes, Paul Wedgwood, David Haetzman and Fred Berkmiller and Aberdeenshire chef Craig Wilson being challenged to whip up a dish against the clock. Tastings and talks will also feature.

Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Food and the Environment Richard Lochhead said: "The Food Hall at the Royal Highland Show is, without doubt, always one of the most popular places to visit. Having it rebranded this year as Scotland's Larder Live! really puts the focus - and rightly so - on our fantastic natural larder.

"We have some of the best, freshest, tastiest products in the world, and given that we are celebrating the Year of Food and Drink, I think producers at this year's Show will be going all out to give visitors their best taste of Scotland, and I would strongly encourage those coming to the show to speak to the producers to hear how our food is made, and to try something new. I think it will really prove to people that local, in-season produce that is available on their doorstep is among the very best you can get."

In addition to prize-winning livestock and food and drink, there is a vast range of other attractions including the latest farm machinery, outdoor living and countryside, traditional rural skills, renewable energy, forestry events, handcrafts, the children's discovery centre, heavy horses, show-jumping, the motor zone and plenty of shopping.

The show will take place at the Royal Highland Centre from Thursday to Sunday.