A LEADING campaigners against the Megrahi conviction for the Lockerbie bombing has accused the Scottish and UK Governments of hypocrisy for demanding full disclosure from Russia over the flight brought down over Ukraine.

Writing on his blog the Justice for Megrahi campaigner and Emeritus Professor of Scots Law at Edinburgh University, Robert Black, is scathing of both governments' approach to the downing of the Malaysian airliner while they refuse to re-open investigations into what happened over his home town of Lockerbie in 1988.

Professor Black said on his blog: "Is there no limit to the hypocrisy of the leaders of the Scottish and United Kingdom governments?

"Both Alex Salmond and David Cameron have refused to countenance an independent inquiry into the Lockerbie case."

A Scottish Government spokesman said: "Mr Al-Megrahi was convicted in a court of law and his conviction was upheld on appeal."

The UK Government did not respond.