Neil Purves, 27, was also handed a five-year driving ban after reaching 166mph on the A702 near West Linton, Peeblesshire, earlier this year.

Police caught the hairdresser on May 13 when they were alerted by a “high-pitched engine noise” while on patrol.

Peebles Sheriff Court heard that one of the officers involved, a man of 28 years’ experience, was “shocked” at the “excessively high speed” achieved by Purves.

Fiscal depute Alastair Learmonth told the court: “The speed libelled (charged) of 166mph is thought to be the highest speed recorded on a public road in Scotland.”

Purves, from Cockburnspath, Berwickshire, earlier admitted a charge of dangerous driving.

His lawyer argued the case for a non-custodial sentence, saying his client was a man of good character who had been “seduced” by the power of his high-speed bike.

But Sheriff John Horsburgh told Purves: “The speed at which you were driving this motorcycle makes a custodial sentence the only appropriate one.”