THE Church of Scotland is selling off more than £10 million of property in one of its biggest ever “end-of-year sales” of old manses and kirks.

But its most valuable property on offer, which had attracted a number of bids, has been put on ice because of a local community buyout attempt.

The Kirk currently has nearly 50 properties on the market – all available at a time of rising values. Fourteen are under offer showing the rising demand for church properties, which can represent a bargain for those with an eye for a more secular conversion.

The vast array of churches, chapels, halls, manses and plots will especially appeal to developers sensing a potential profit.

In the past the former places of worship have turned into clubs, pubs, community centres, bookshops, cinemas, cafes as well as flats and homes – often with stunning views.

The Kirk launched a series of measures in 2010 to cut its then £5.7million budget deficit, including axing 100 posts, merging parishes and selling-off spare property.

A Church of Scotland spokesman said: ”We have a number of properties which are surplus to requirements.”