Jeremy Corbyn has accused Theresa May and her ministers of issuing "contradictory messages" on Brexit which are exacerbating the "huge uncertainty" about the UK's future.

The Labour leader's attack on the Prime Minister comes amid growing concerns that ministers are struggling to agree on a strategy for divorce negotiations with Brussels.

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But Mrs May appeared to take aim at critics who have suggested that the Government position is unclear by telling MPs she will not reveal her hand on negotiations "prematurely".

Earlier this week the Prime Minister distanced herself from Brexit Secretary David Davis's suggestion that it is "very improbable" the UK can regain control over its own borders while remaining part of the European single market.

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Mrs May's spokeswoman said Mr Davis was expressing a personal opinion on the single market rather than official policy.

But Mr Corbyn said the apparent differences in opinion are making worse the "huge uncertainty about what comes next" for the UK.

He also bemoaned an "extraordinary lack of planning and preparation" from the Government on how to navigate Brexit as he responded to a Commons statement on last weekend's G20 summit from Mrs May.

"That uncertainty and division has been made worse by the Government's ministers' political posturing and often very contradictory messages which doesn't seem to add up to a considered position," he said.

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He suggested that Mr Davis's position and that of the PM are incompatible.

"It's one or the other," he said.

"It can't be both. So can the Prime Minister tell the House what the Government's policy actually is?"

Meanwhile, Mrs May told the House that she did not intend to provide a "running commentary" on the Government's progress towards delivering Brexit.

She said: "Our task now is to deliver the will of the British people and negotiate the best possible deal for our country.

"I know many people are keen to see rapid progress and to understand what post-Brexit Britain will look like.

"We are getting on with that vital work but we must also think through the issues in a sober and considered way.

"As I've said, this is about getting the kind of deal that is ambitious and bold for Britain.

"It's not about the Norway model or the Swiss model or any other country's model - it's about developing our own British model.

"We will not take decisions until we are ready, we will not reveal our hand prematurely and we will not provide a running commentary on every twist and turn of the negotiations."

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But Mr Corbyn hit back and said: "The Prime Minister said she wasn't going to reveal her hand on this subject.

"Nobody would blame her because she hasn't revealed her hand or indeed any of the Government's many hands.

"On this particular thing they are unclear of what they are trying to do."

Mrs May's trip to the G20 summit was largely dominated by issues relating to Brexit with a particular focus on trade and the way in which the UK will position itself globally after it has left the EU.

Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull promised to strike an "early ... very strong, very open free trade agreement" with the UK but Japan warned of the possibility of its companies leaving a post-Brexit Britain while Barack Obama confirmed the US will seek trade deals with the EU and Pacific states before the UK.

Mrs May also used her trip to China to rule out the introduction of an Australian-style points-based immigration system as proposed by Leave campaigners.

The Prime Minister told MPs "forging new relationships" will be key to making Brexit a success.

She said: "When the British people voted to leave the European Union, they did not vote to leave Europe, to turn inwards or to walk away from the G20 or any of our international partners around the world.

"That has never been the British way. We have always understood that our success as a sovereign nation is inextricably bound up in our trade and our co-operation with others.

"By building on existing partnerships, forging new relationships and shaping an ambitious global role, we will make a success of Brexit - for Britain and for all our partners - and we will continue to strengthen the prosperity and security of all our citizens for generations to come."

Mr Corbyn also criticised the "free trade dogma" that had dominated recent economic policy.

The Labour leader said Britain's trade policy must focus on social, employment and environmental protections, as well as economic growth.

He called corporate globalisation "a key issue that has to be addressed", blaming "reckless deregulation of the financial sector" for the financial crisis.

"It's a model of running the global economy that the Prime Minister acknowledges has produced huge increases in inequality and failed in its own terms," said Mr Corbyn.

"Rising levels of inequality in all of our economies fuel insecurities and pit people and communities against each other.

"The free trade dogma the Prime Minister spoke of has often been pursued at the expense of the world's most fragile economies, and has been realised with destructive consequences for our environment.

"We need a UK trade agenda that protects people and the environment, and I urge the Prime Minister to stand with me against the use of Britain's aid and trade policies to further the agenda of deregulation and privatisation in developing countries.

"We need a trade policy that values human rights and human dignity."

However, Mr Corbyn's remarks were greeted with derision by Mrs May and those on the Government benches.

"If we are going to see prosperity and growth in the economies around the world, the way to get there is through free trade," said the Prime Minister.

"Free trade has underpinned the prosperity of this country. I will take no lesson from you on action to help developing countries and those in poverty elsewhere in the world, because this Government has a fine record in terms of what we have done in humanitarian support.

"It is free trade which underpins our growth. We will be the global leader in free trade.

"Free trade can be the best anti-poverty policy for those countries. I will unashamedly go out there and give the message we want a free trade country.

"I'm only sorry the Labour Party is turning its back on something that has led to the prosperity of the United Kingdom."

Mr Corbyn also quizzed Mrs May on the issue of China's steel industry, which has been blamed for distorting the global market, and the Hinkley nuclear power plant.

He also pressed her to commit to ending arms exports to Saudi Arabia, given they have been linked to war crimes in Yemen.

Mrs May responded that the G20 would set up a new forum to look at the steel industry, which included China, and that a decision on Hinkley would be made later this month.

She added that reports from Yemen should be properly investigated, but that the strength of Britain's relationship with Saudi Arabia helped keep people safe on UK streets.