MSPs on a Holyrood committee will look at issues including obesity, GP recruitment, bed blocking and mental health services as they strive to make a "positive difference" to healthcare in Scotland.

New Health Committee convener Neil Findlay said they will take evidence on the "most significant challenges" facing the NHS at the moment.

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The Scottish Parliament is currently in recess but the committee plans to consult individuals and organisations over the summer.

When Holyrood returns in the autumn, they will take evidence on how plans to establish GP hubs will tackle recruitment problems, what can be done to reduce delayed discharges, and if there are enough staff to support the Scottish Government's vision of a shift from hospital care to providing more care in the community.

MSPs will also consider the integration of health and social care budgets, the causes of obesity, recruitment and retention in the NHS and mental health services.

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Mr Findlay said: "The areas the committee will investigate represent some of the most significant challenges currently facing the health service in Scotland. But I am under no illusion there will be easy answers or quick fixes.

"This committee intends to make a positive difference to the way healthcare is delivered in Scotland. We aim to do this by listening to the various views that exist, speaking to people about their experiences and providing a platform for debate.

READ MORE: Prince Harry makes HIV/AIDS testing plea 

"Whilst these will be a series of focused inquiries, this should allow our committee to get to grips with these areas of health care as a whole before we concentrate our attention on areas requiring further investigation."