GORDON Brown has called for a European blacklist of tax havens as part of a range of measures outlined as part of his case for staying in the EU.

On the even of a major speech on Brexit, the former Prime Minister said that there was no alternative to cooperation with other states on issues such as tax.

"Britain cannot achieve this on our own", he said.

He said that the solution to the problems created by globalisation was in greater cooperation. He said: “Put simply, the future lies not in a United States of Europe but in a United Europe of States.”

Mr Brown, whose tub-thumping oratory was said by many to have been key in defeating the push for Scottish independence in the 2014 referendum, is expected to make a series of speeches between now and the EU referendum vote on June 23.

Speaking about tax avoidance, he wrote in the Guardian: “The UK Parliament retains its freedom to make its own decisions on taxation with VAT alone subject to European bands, but if we are to ensure no hiding places for tax evaders, no safe haven for tax avoiders and no treasure islands for the money launderers that hide an estimated $7 trillion of global wealth, we need the automatic exchange of tax information worldwide and public registers of the beneficial owners of all trusts.

“With America currently resisting reciprocal tax arrangements, collective action by all 28 countries of the European Union to blacklist avoiders, impose sanctions and even levy withholding taxes, including on our own overseas territories if necessary, is currently the one game in town.