The News of the World will close after a final edition this weekend, News International chairman James Murdoch said today.

The tabloid newspaper will be published for the last time on Sunday after it was rocked by the phone hacking scandal.

Mr Murdoch said in a statement: "Having consulted senior colleagues, I have decided that we must take further decisive action with respect to the paper. This Sunday will be the last issue of the News of the World."

He praised the paper's achievements but condemned this week's revelations that phone hacking victims may have included murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler, bereaved military families and relatives of 7/7 bombing victims.

He said: "The good things the News of the World does, however, have been sullied by behaviour that was wrong. Indeed, if recent allegations are true, it was inhuman and has no place in our company."

The bombshell closure announcement came hours after the the Royal British Legion dropped the News of the World as its campaigning partner and expressed "revulsion" at the latest phone hacking allegations.

As the day went on, more and more advertisers - including some of Britain's biggest companies - said they were pulling their campaigns from the title.

The political and commercial pressures had been mounting on News International all week with dozens of MPs, including Labour leader Ed Miliband, saying chief executive Rebekah Brooks had to go.

The crisis deepened after Scotland Yard Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson said evidence from the company listed illegal payments being made to police officers.

The closure comes a day after Rupert Murdoch said phone hacking at one of his flagship newspapers was "deplorable and unacceptable". Prime Minister David Cameron has ordered a public inquiry into the scandal.

Labour MP Tom Watson told Sky News: "Let's be clear about this, this paper has closed but the hacking saga has not. The issue for me today is not whether Rupert Murdoch closes a paper that was going to go bankrupt because there are no advertisers or readers left, it is whether Rebekah Brooks is going to consider her position and resign as chief executive of News International.

"The anger will only subside when a very senior executive in this company takes responsibility for this heinous attack on British people."

Mr Watson added: "There are only two people in the country left who are supporting Rebekah Brooks today - Rupert Murdoch and David Cameron. I'm surprised she even bothered turning up to work this morning."

The MP said: "No one was going to buy this paper any more. No one was going to advertise in it. They destroyed it. The people who were hacking phones, they were the people who closed this paper.

"I feel very sorry for honest journalists who are left at the paper and I actually have a degree of sympathy for the outgoing editor Colin Myler who, I think frankly has had to carry a heavy load for the wrongdoing of other people in the organisation."

Steven Barnett, professor of communications at Westminster University, said: "Talk about a nuclear option. It could just be a fairly cynical ploy and there will be a new News International Sunday newspaper. It could well be that three months down the line the scandal's calmed down a bit and they launch a new Sunday tabloid.

"It will certainly take the heat off some of the immediate allegations about journalistic behaviour and phone hacking. I suspect that they are fearing the worst in terms of more revelations coming out, and can now turn around and say: 'What more can we do? We have cut this thing off at the roots. It's important that we don't get distracted by this announcement from asking some very serious questions."   
Stephen Adams, a fund manager at leading BSkyB shareholder Aegon Asset Management, added:  "We see it as something to restore or remedy a tarnished reputation for the News Corp group. But we also critically see it as a reflection of New Corp's desire to progress the BSkyB bid and have full ownership of the company."

The consultation on whether News Corp, which also owns The Sun and The Times newspapers in the UK, can buy the 61% of shares in BSkyB it does not already own was due to end at noon tomorrow. But Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt is understood to have put off making a final decision, which could see the proposed merger referred to the Competition Commission, until September.

A source close to the Culture Secretary denied reports that the decision over BSkyB was being delayed, but indicated it was not expected "imminently" and may be several more months as officials wade through some 100,000 responses to the consultation on the proposed take-over.

James Murdoch's statement to staff read: "I have important things to say about the News of the World and the steps we are taking to address the very serious problems that have occurred.

"It is only right that you as colleagues at News International are first to hear what I have to say and that you hear it directly from me. So thank you very much for coming here and listening.

"You do not need to be told that the News of the World is 168 years old. That it is read by more people than any other English language newspaper. That it has enjoyed support from Britain's largest advertisers. And that it has a proud history of fighting crime, exposing wrong-doing and regularly setting the news agenda for the nation.

"When I tell people why I am proud to be part of News Corporation, I say that our commitment to journalism and a free press is one of the things that sets us apart. Your work is a credit to this.

"The good things the News of the World does, however, have been sullied by behaviour that was wrong. Indeed, if recent allegations are true, it was inhuman and has no place in our company.

"The News of the World is in the business of holding others to account. But it failed when it came to itself In 2006, the police focused their investigations on two men. Both went to jail. But the News of the World and News International failed to get to the bottom of repeated wrongdoing that occurred without conscience or legitimate purpose.

"Wrongdoers turned a good newsroom bad and this was not fully understood or adequately pursued. As a result, the News of the World and News International wrongly maintained that these issues were confined to one reporter.

"We now have voluntarily given evidence to the police that I believe will prove that this was untrue and those who acted wrongly will have to face the consequences.

"This was not the only fault. The paper made statements to Parliament without being in the full possession of the facts. This was wrong. The company paid out-of-court settlements approved by me. I now know that I did not have a complete picture when I did so. This was wrong and is a matter of serious regret.

"Currently, there are two major and ongoing police investigations. We are co-operating fully and actively with both. You know that it was News International who voluntarily brought evidence that led to opening Operation Weeting and Operation Elveden. This full cooperation will continue until the Police's work is done.

"We have also admitted liability in civil cases. Already, we have settled a number of prominent cases and set up a compensation scheme, with cases to be adjudicated by former High Court judge Sir Charles Gray. Apologising and making amends is the right thing to do.

"Inside the company, we set up a Management and Standards Committee that is working on these issues and that has hired Olswang to examine past failings and recommend systems and practices that over time should become standards for the industry. We have committed to publishing Olswang's terms of reference and eventual recommendations in a way that is open and transparent.

"We have welcomed broad public inquiries into press standards and police practices and will cooperate with them fully. So, just as I acknowledge we have made mistakes, I hope you and everyone inside and outside the company will acknowledge that we are doing our utmost to fix them, atone for them, and make sure they never happen again.

"Having consulted senior colleagues, I have decided that we must take further decisive action with respect to the paper. This Sunday will be the last issue of the News of the World. Colin Myler will edit the final edition of the paper.

"In addition, I have decided that all of the News of the World's revenue this weekend will go to good causes. While we may never be able to make up for distress that has been caused, the right thing to do is for every penny of the circulation revenue we receive this weekend to go to organisations - many of whom are long-term friends and partners - that improve life in Britain and are devoted to treating others with dignity.

"We will run no commercial advertisements this weekend. Any advertising space in this last edition will be donated to causes and charities that wish to expose their good works to our millions of readers. These are strong measures. They are made humbly and out of respect. I am convinced they are the right thing to do.

"Many of you, if not the vast majority of you, are either new to the Company or have had no connection to the News of the World during the years when egregious behaviour occurred. I can understand how unfair these decisions may feel. Particularly, for colleagues who will leave the company. Of course, we will communicate next steps in detail and begin appropriate consultations.

"You may see these changes as a price loyal staff at the News of the World are paying for the transgressions of others. So please hear me when I say that your good work is a credit to journalism. I do not want the legitimacy of what you do to be compromised by acts of others.

"I want all journalism at News International to be beyond reproach. I insist that this organisation lives up to the standard of behaviour we expect of others. And, finally, I want you all to know that it is critical that the integrity of every journalist who has played fairly is restored. Thank you for listening."