Complaints - Who to contact

The Herald Scotland is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation and we seek to abide by the Editors’ Code which is enforced by IPSO. The Code is available here. Details of IPSO can be found at

Complaints and requests for editorial corrections or clarifications should be referred to the editor in the first instance, who can be contacted as follows: It is essential that your email is headed “Complaint” in the subject line and contains the following information:

  • your name, postal address, email address and telephone number.
  • title of the publication concerned;
  • date of publication;
  • page number or website page address (or a copy of the story); and
  • details of the complaint.

We may ask for more detail, but once the full details have been established, we will try to resolve any complaint brought under the Editors’ Code within 28 days. If you are dissatisfied with our answer, you may then refer the matter to IPSO.

For complaints about non-editorial third party comments on website articles you should always use the “report this post” function next to the comment.

Other FAQs:

My query is urgent and I need to speak to somebody about it.

You can contact the Herald & Times Group on 0141 302 7000 and your call will be directed to the appropriate department.

How do I send a letter to the editor?

The Herald:

Herald on Sunday:

Glasgow Times:

How do I get in touch with The Diary?

You can phone 0141 302 7055 or email

How do I contact the news desk?

How do I send video to the website team?

I've got a story that needs to be investigated.  Who can I speak to in confidence?

If you are a whistleblower, concerned taxpayer or have information that would make for a story about an individual or an organisation, please contact:

How do I contact an individual journalist?

Most of our staff can be contacted using the following convention:

How do I submit an image for The Herald’s Picture of the Day?

Images can be sent to:

How can I find an article from the archive?

Our websites contain material going back to 1989 which can be accessed using the search facility.

The complete archive of The Herald is held at the Mitchell Library in Glasgow:

The Mitchell
North Street
Glasgow G3 7DN
Phone: 0141 287 2999

How do I get copies of back issues?

For copies up to nine months old please go to

For copies going back to 1900 please go to

How do I subscribe to the newspaper?

For a postal subscription contact our Circulation Dept:

Newsquest (Herald and Times) Ltd
125 Fullarton Drive,
G32 8FG
Tel:0141 302 7000

See our current subscription rates

For a subscription to an online facsimile of the newspaper go to The Herald Digital

How do I subscribe to the website and get unlimited access to all the online content ?

You'll find all the information you need here

How can I buy a picture that was published in The Herald / Herald on Sunday/ Glasgow Times?

You can contact our photo sales team at: or go to our online photo sales service.

How do I place an ad in your publications?

You should find everything you need here

None of the above relates to my query. What do I do?

Email our customer service team.