INDUSTRIAL textiles maker Bonar Yarns & Fabrics has seen its losses widen in its most recent financial year.

The Dundee company, part of stock market listed Low & Bonar, makes goods including carpet backing and artificial turf for the sports and landscaping industries.

Turnover for the 12 months to November 30, 2014, increased from £16.7 million to £17.7m, according to accounts recently lodged at Companies House.

Sales grew in the UK, continental Europe and North America but there was a reduction in the value of goods sent to the rest of the world.

However pre-tax losses came in at £343,000, greater than the £270,000 recorded in the prior year.

Writing in the accounts the directors highlight raw material costs and a competitive market as being among the principal risks the business is facing.

They added they remained committed to highest standards of manufacturing and said: "The outlook remains promising with both grass and carpet yarn markets anticipated to grow."

In October Low & Bonar announced it was moving part of its production operations in Dundee, its only manufacturing site in the UK, to the United Arab Emirates which would result in more than 60 jobs being cut.