Yeti's talk about their new show, Demon Dive Bar.

1 Tell us about your Fringe show

The show takes place at the Demon Dive Bar: a trashy old joint on the edge of what might be a parallel universe. It's run by Yeti (the loneliest creature in the world) and she's putting on the weirdest gig night you will have seen. You meet loads of bizarre and hilarious characters that hang out at the bar, or who have been booked to play - from the hotly-anticipated headliners The Psychedelic Nuns, to a sleazy crooner who happens to be a severed head. It's got elements of high-energy sketch, musical comedy and clown. It's surreal, ridiculously funny and unlike anything else you'll see at the fringe!

2 Best thing about the Fringe?

Your first macaroni cheese pie, which at the time seems like the only solution to that tequila hangover that has been following you around since you woke at about 1pm. Double the carb. Double the fun.

3 Worst thing about the Fringe?

Realising that you should never have eaten that macaroni pie. How do they lure you in every time? Why does it smell so good? And who was the first person to put pasta IN a pie case? 
4 How many years have you been coming to the Fringe?

This is the first ever Edinburgh Fringe for Yeti's, but we've been coming here for the past five years with our different show, EastEnd Cabaret. We're excited to bring something completely different and new to the festival that we love.

5 Favourite Fringe venue?
Well, we're in the Pleasance Two this year for the first time, so we're hoping this tops the list!

6 Best Fringe memory?
Lying on the meadows with a bunch of our Fringe family - people who we see all around the world at different festivals every year - soaking up that 13 minutes of glorious sunshine that happens once every festival. 

7 Best heckle?

We don't get heckled a lot - probably because the audience knows that most of the characters, particularly Yeti, don't have a problem with coming into the audience and getting up close and personal with them. But we actually had a genuine "You guys are so fucking funny!" at one point at Adelaide Fringe - said in a properly broad Australian accent. I think we had surprised him, which was quite nice.

8 What’s on your rider?
A bottle of decent tequila, about three kilos of popcorn and a funk banana. The Psychedelic Nuns love a funk banana.

9 Craziest on stage experience?

We were in Perth recently for our Australian tour. It was 35 degrees at night and we were performing in a circus tent. We were also wearing the yeti suits, aka 5 kilos of mops and a fleece onesie for a lot of the show, and it got so hot I'm pretty sure we started hallucinating...

10 How do you wind down after a show?

The process generally involves a cheese board, some tequila and ideally being massaged by a topless Swedish man. The last one rarely ever happens, but when it does it's amazing. 

11 What do you love about Scotland?

The people, the castle, the cobbles, the whiskey, but mostly I love the enthusiasm of the Scottish people when that sun is out they instantly get nude and try to soak up as much of it as possible.
12 What do you like about Edinburgh?

We love the incredible atmosphere of the city, especially during the fringe. Thousands of people from all over the world making shows, seeing shows- it's electric.

13 What’s the most Scottish thing you’ve done?

I did take to not wearing pants under my skirts for a while.  Nudity seems to be quite a theme for us...

14 What kind of jokes do a Scottish crowd seem to respond to?

They are a very comedy savvy crowd, but ultimately they love the filth. Anything that's a bit risqué or a bit wrong. That's lucky for us as that is exactly what we like to do.
15 Favourite joke?

Two hats were on a hat stand, one said to the other- you stay here and I'll go on a HEAD! 

16 Favourite Scottish food/drink?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, macaroni cheese pie, preferably with a massage from a sunburnt naked Scottish man.

Yeti’s: Demon Dive Bar is on at the Pleasance Courtyard until August 29.