John Robins discusses battered Mars bars, bagpipes and walking across America with a unicycle.

Tell us about your Fringe show

I spent six months walking across America with a unicycle (I pushed the unicycle, of course), I wasn’t allowed access to Facebook but I could use myspace, and had to have my iPod on shuffle the entire time. It’s a pretty crazy story and two family members died before I got home which really helped with the ending.

Best thing about the Fringe?

The best thing about the Fringe is Q&A’s like these! The excitement of the questions, the total suspense of what might follow a question like ‘Best Thing About The Fringe?’.

Worst thing about the Fringe?

Wow, you’ve got me stumped with that one! Curve ball alert! I dunno really… I guess shame, self-doubt, self-pity, despair, oh! And those battered mars bars!!!!!!!! What’s that all about?!

How many years have you been coming to the Fringe?

I’m starting to wonder if you even know me?! It’s ten, to save you googling!

Favourite Fringe venue?

Mad Jock’s Butthole Bar, it really captures the spirit of the ‘true’ fringe. Such a great array of burlesque/modern burlesque and storytelling. I hear this year they’re putting on some old black and white burlesque acts, I can’t wait man, burlesque is WHERE IT’S AT.

Best Fringe memory?

Kitty Creame at The Burlesque Awards in 2011, her speech had everyone in tears, and the school she set up in Ghana is now in it’s fourth year, it’s making such a huge difference to those kids through burlesque.

Best heckle?

“Burlesque Forever!”, it was at a rally I spoke at.

Craziest on stage experience?

Oh, easy one, onstage at The Zeitgeist Burlesque Review, I was introducing Dame Feathers and during her record breaking shimmy she shed every single one of the 242 Swarovski crystals from her mirkin. Also a record.

What’s on your rider?

A cane, Victorian three piece suit, emergency confetti, glitter and glue.

How do you wind down after a show?

Obviously there’s a lot to clean up, mostly glitter, feathers, any powder or residue if they’ve used any pyrotechnics. Then me and the girls head out, usually to a vintage bar, talk about the show, swap 19th century erotica.

What do you love about Scotland?

Scotland is at the forefront of G-string design. I saw some mock-ups of a glass thong, it’s not ready yet but I’ve put my name down for one!

What do you like about Edinburgh?


What’s the most Scottish thing you’ve done?

Shot a haggis out of my bagpipes whilst singing Auld Lang Syne.

What kind of jokes do a Scottish crowd seem to respond to?

They seem to respond to the funny ones, which doesn’t make sense, as they’re so different genetically from all other nationalities.

John Robins will perform be at the Assembly George Square Studios on August 21-30.